
Any units of measure shall be converted into the metric system at the following conversion rates:

2.2042 Pounds (lbs)………..1 Kilogram (kg)

2204.62 Pounds (lbs)………1 Metric ton (mt)

35.314 Cubic Feet (cft)…….1 Cubic Meter (cbm)

0.394 Inches (in)……………1 Centimeter (cm)

39.4 Inches (in)……………..1 Meter (m)

1 Pound (lbs)…………….…0.454 Kilograms (kgs)

1 Long Ton (lt)……………..1,016 Kilograms (kgs)

1 Short Ton (st)…………….907 Kilograms (kgs)

1 Cubic Foot (cft)………….0.028 Cubic Meters (cbm)

(effective: 09/01/1993)